Alcohol-Related Liver Disease: Basic Mechanisms and Clinical Perspectives PMC

what is alcoholic liver disease

The more you drink above the recommended limits, the higher your risk of developing ARLD. Alcoholic hepatitis – which is unrelated to infectious hepatitis – is a potentially serious alcoholic liver disease condition that can be caused by alcohol misuse over a longer period. When this develops, it may be the first time a person is aware they’re damaging their liver through alcohol.

Alcohol-Related Hepatitis: Prevention & Treatment

This happens when the liver is inflamed and swollen for long periods. It is possible to live for many years with cirrhosis of the liver, but life expectancy depends on the stage of the condition and the treatment you receive. When the liver is unable to process bilirubin, it can also lead to jaundice.

Healthy liver vs. liver cirrhosis

Severe alcoholic hepatitis can come on suddenly, such as after binge drinking, and can be life threatening. In mild alcoholic hepatitis, liver damage occurs slowly over the course of many years. The early stages of alcohol-related liver disease often have no symptoms. Because of this, you may not even know that you’ve experienced liver damage due to alcohol. You’ll only be considered for a liver transplant if you have developed complications of cirrhosis despite having stopped drinking. Successful treatment for alcohol-related liver disease (ARLD) often depends on whether someone is willing to stop drinking alcohol and make changes to their lifestyle.

what is alcoholic liver disease

Liver Failure Stages

what is alcoholic liver disease

For those with cirrhosis, the future is brighter than ever before. If you’d like to learn even more about cirrhosis, watch our other related videos or visit Your healthcare provider may also test you for individual nutrient deficiencies.

  • The clinical manifestations of the patients with fibrosis or cirrhosis due to ALD widely range from asymptomatic to various decompensation events (e.g., variceal bleeding, bacterial infection, and hepatorenal syndrome) [130].
  • Abstaining from drinking alcohol is the first step in treating ALD.
  • As more scar tissue forms in the liver, it becomes harder for it to function.
  • In summary, these results revealed that UA can alleviate alcoholic liver injury by inhibiting oxidative stress-mediated ferroptosis and regulating gut microbiota.
  • Several non-invasive tests, including serum biomarkers and elastography, have been proposed for the detection and staging of ALD in a more accurate manner [2].
  • Alcohol is absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract into the blood circulation and is mainly metabolized by hepatocytes in the liver [19].

Alcoholic Liver Cirrhosis

what is alcoholic liver disease

A wide range of other conditions and diseases can cause cirrhosis as well. The first stage of alcoholic liver disease is hepatic steatosis, which involves the accumulation of small fat droplets under liver cells approaching the portal tracts. More advanced disease is characterized by marked steatosis, hepatocellular necrosis, and acute inflammation, known as alcoholic hepatitis.

When Does Alcoholic Liver Disease Cause Symptoms?

A person with portal hypertension may also develop a build-up of fluid in their abdomen (tummy) and around the intestines. Nutritional support is also an important part of treatment in these cases. Read the alcohol support page for more information about the help available. This involves seeing a therapist to talk about your thoughts and feelings, and how these affect your behaviour and wellbeing. Pictures of your oesophagus and stomach are transmitted to an external screen. The doctor will be looking for swollen veins (varices), which are a sign of cirrhosis.

  • Several studies have compared the detection ability of these biomarkers and revealed conflicting results [154,157,159,160].
  • Personal and psychosocial factors are also important because excessive drinking is related to depression and other psychological diseases.
  • During later stages, you might develop jaundice, which is yellowing of the eyes or skin; gastrointestinal bleeding; abdominal swelling from fluid building up in the belly; and confusion or drowsiness.
  • Abstinence, along with adequate nutritional support, remains the cornerstone of the management of patients with alcoholic hepatitis.

Fatty change

Cirrhosis is a stage of ARLD where the liver has become significantly scarred. Alcohol-related liver disease (ARLD) accounts for 3 million deaths annually worldwide. The transplant evaluation is thorough and strict, and the rules for receiving a transplant can vary by region. Many factors can be used to make a decision about your transplant candidacy, and these factors aren’t limited to only medical needs. For example, you may develop the condition sooner if you’ve been born with a deficiency in the enzymes that help to get rid of alcohol.

what is alcoholic liver disease

How ARLD is treated

“Although less common in NAFLD early stages, jaundice can occur if liver damage progresses, leading to a yellowish tint in the skin or eyes,” explains Best. Researchers are working on therapies that will specifically target liver cells, helping to slow or even reverse the fibrosis that leads to cirrhosis. People with early-stage cirrhosis of the liver usually don’t have symptoms.

Hepatic steatosis

AFL development is regulated by several direct or indirect regulatory mechanisms, including PPARα and AMPK expression inhibition, and ACC activity enhancement, which results in increased fatty acid synthesis and deposition [22]. Fat vacuoles or macrovesicles can be observed in liver tissues under a microscope, which resolves rapidly after complete abstinence [123]. AFL are seldom diagnosed because of their asymptomatic or nonspecific symptoms [2]. Scoring systems can be used to assess the severity of alcoholic hepatitis and to guide treatment. A Maddrey discriminant function (DF) score greater than 32 or a model for end-stage liver disease (MELD) score greater than 21 indicates severe alcoholic hepatitis and pharmacologic treatment should be considered. Hepatic encephalopathy and ascites are seen more often in patients who succumb to alcoholic hepatitis than in patients who survive.


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